An Application by A Father to His Son


Heartfelt greetings to all dear sons and daughters from parents to you.

All parent wants to be with their children in their old age. No one wants to live in an old age home, but children are joining old age homes when they get old.

Children who should take care of their parents with love are raising dogs as status.

If the parents who have given birth and raised them are not healthy, they were not worry about their parent’s health but dogs are taken to animal hospitals.

A father wrote this in his diary.

Don't hate me for peeing on my bed. When you urinated as a child, I washed it clean.

Don't get upset that I am not eating rice, understand that I am not eating rice because of indigestion. Even when you were a child, if you changed that you would not eat, I used to caress and soothe and feed you.

Don't get angry for not taking a bath because it smells bad, bear with me for not having the patience to take a bath. When you were a child, you used to say that you don't want to take a bath, but I used to caress and soothe and take a bath.

Don't look like that if I can't walk with two legs, if you too can't walk as a child, I took my finger and guided you.

Even if you hate me, hurt me, get angry and don't understand me, you are my blood son.......Love You, See You!



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